Kajal Villa
Kajal Villa
A cluster of 4 houses for 4 brothers’ families, is envisioned as a small community to enrich the bond shared by the families and at the same time, keeping their individual identities intact. These contradicting concepts of ‘communal’ and ‘personal’, demand a unique identity for each family while maintaining a common language that binds the whole built form and external spaces together.
This is achieved by creating a versatile material pallet that is a combination of wood, concrete, marble and brass in various patterns, creating multiple feature elements throughout the project. Additionally, a combination of finishes, textures and fabrics come together and create a dialogue within the space with their own elegance and personalities. All these elements blend without cluttering or overwhelming the space.
A notion of asymmetry adds on to the overall character and imparts a peculiar identity to the space. It also changes the dynamics of the same material pallet used in different areas, confirming with the contradiction in ‘communal’ and ‘personal’ identities.
2013 - 2020
Site: 4650 m2 (50,000 ft2)
Bunglow (Built
Up): 715 m2 (7700 ft2) Each
No of
Bunglows: 4